Focus Guide by Eyal

Ref: Nir Eyal (2021). Focus Guide. Unk.



  • How to Make the most out of your time and your life.

  • Intense Focus requires clear goals and the capacity to complete the tasks necessary to achieve them. 

  • The most productive people are not time management wizards, rather, they are highly skilled at setting priorities. 


Ideal Traits

  • Effective timeboxing; particularly for your distractors.

  • Self-Awareness through Introspection goes a long way. 


Human Psychology

  • Humans have evolved to avoid energy consuming tasks by taking the path of least resistance. 

  • In a monthly labor review study, participants overestimated their work week by ~20hrs. 

  • Researchers find that participants who cited being unable to lose weight despite dieting underestimated their daily caloric intake by 47% and overestimated their daily activity level by 51%.

  • Too often, people confuse being productive with being busy. 

  • The “I don’t have time excuse” is a passive way of admitting something “is not one of my priorities.”



  • Complaining is a detrimental habit that can, and should, be broken. 

  • Complaining releases, the stress hormone cortisol which negatively affects mood, reduces energy levels, and can lead to more uncomfortable emotions. 


Misc Quotes

  • “It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste.”-Henry Ford. 



  • 1992: Researchers find that participants who cited being unable to lose weight despite dieting underestimated their daily caloric intake by 47% and overestimated their daily activity level by 51%.-Focus Guide by Eyal.
