The Behavior Gap by Richards
Ref: Carl Richards (2012). The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money. Portfolio Publishing.
The Psychology of Personal Finance.
Misc Quotes
“Americans report an increase in happiness as their incomes rise to $75,000 a year. After that, the impact of rising income on happiness levels off.”-Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize Winner, Economic Sciences.
“Nothing will change until we make the conscious decision that we are usually responsible for our own financial situation.”
“Our deepest instincts (if we listen to them) will tell us that money doesn’t mean anything: it’s simply a tool to reach goals. And by goals I don’t mean earning a high rate of return, outperforming the S&P 500, or finding the next great mutual fund manager. By goals, I mean stuff that matters to you. Things like putting your kids through college, starting a business, becoming a yoga teacher, taking a year off, retiring at sixty, spending more time at home with your kids, buying a sweet car, kayaking the Grand Canyon, or helping your elderly parents.”
“If gas cost $4/gal, it would take something like 200 years of driving 15,000 miles annually to cover the extra cost of a hybrid.”
“Positive change requires hard work, patience, and discipline. That’s the secret left out of The Secret.”
“Limit your attention to things that meet two criteria—they matter to you and you can influence them.”
“Decide where you are today, where you want to be later, and how you will behave in order to get there.”