Virus by Weidel

Ref: Wolfhard Weidel (1962). Virus. Ann Arbor Science.



  • An introduction to epidemiology and the human genome.



  • Latent Period: Time it takes for the entire cycle of cellular reproduction to take place.

  • Adsorption: Sticking of virus to host cells.

    • Receptor Substance: Determines how the virus will adsorb to cell.

  • Antigenic proteins: required to make antibodies.



  • Bacteria

    • Reproduce by binary fission and grow by geometric reproduction.

  • Virus: Comprised of amino acids (proteins) and nucleic acids.

    • Temporarily take over a specific role in the reaction-network of the infected cell redirecting the cells normal reproduction network to produce large quantities of virus particles.

    • Although all cells have RNA and DNA, virus cells have only one- RNA OR DNA.

      • RNA Virus: Occurs in most plant and animal viruses.

      • DNA Virus: Occurs in bacteriophage viruses.


DNA Fundamentals

  • Sugars: Comprised of Ribose and Deoxyribose.

    • Ribose: Ribonucleic Acid (RNA).

    • Deoxyribose: Desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the carrier of hereditary information.

  • Within a cell, enzymes work as catalysts for a specific chemical transformation. After reaction for growth and reproduction, enzymes remain unchanged. The cells take in nutrients from simple compounds to make the most complex cellular structures (copies). Sugar (glycerin and acetic acid) are sources of cellular energy; each gene ensures a particular enzyme is formed.

  • Mutation: Change in DNA sequence during cellular reproduction. If a certain gene is changed, then a different enzyme can be produced.

  • DNA Bases

    • Short: T & C

      • T: Thymine

      • C: Cytosine

    • Long: A & G

      • A: Adenine

      • G: Guanine
