JHU Environmental Applications of GIS with Isaacs
Ref: Dr. Rachel Isaacs (2019). Environmental Applications of GIS. JHU Course AS.420.603.81. Email: risaacs6@jhu.edu
An overview of the fundamentals of mapping, photogrammetry, geographic information science, and remote sensing.
Textbook: Zhu, Xuan GIS for environmental applications: a practical approach.
Programs: Google Earth Pro, ArcGIS Pro, 7-Zip.
GIS Analysis
Define the problem.
Determine a project area.
Locate, acquire, and prepare data.
Determine appropriate methodology and geospatial analysis.
Communicate your results.
Map Elements: Title, Legend, Scale, Caption, Compass, Inset Map.
ArcGIS File Types
Shapefiles: Composed of 3 mandatory files: .shp, .shx, and .dbf.
.shp: Gives features their geometry (points, lines, polygons in a map).
.shx: Used to search files.
.dbf: Standard Database File used to store attribute data and object IDs.
.prj: Contains metadata associated with the shape files coordinates and projection system.
.xml: Contains the metadata associated with the shape file.
.sbn: Optimizes spatial queries.
.sbx: Speeds up load times and works with .sbn files to optimize spatial queries.
.cpg: Describes the encoding applied to create the shape file.
.arpx: Project File- contains maps, scenes, layouts, data, tools, and other items.
GIS Terminology
Primary Data: Information collected in the field.
Secondary Data: Information collected by organizations and shared.
Spatial: Area visible to the sensor.
Spectral: Ability of a sensor to define wavelength intervals.
Temporal: Amount of time before site revisited.
Radiometric: Ability to discriminate very slight differences in energy.
GIS Resources
Federal Websites:
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: