The Demon in the Freezer by Preston
Ref: Richard Preston (2003). The Demon in the Freezer. Fawcett.
The history of Variola (Smallpox) until its Eradication by the WHO and the CDC in the 1970s.
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID).
Hazardous Materials Response Unit (HMRU).
Strategic Operations Information Center (SIOC).
Vector: Russian state research center of virology and biotechnology (Russian equivalent of the CDC).
Virus: Latin for poison, particles are virions.
Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (HFV): Viruses that make people bleed.
R0: Outbreak Multiplier.
Smallpox was passed by the Spaniards to the Mayans and the Incans and along with measles left them almost defenseless against the European invaders.
Genetically Modified Smallpox (GM) poses a very dangerous threat to the future.
Plague (Black Death): Yersinia Pestis.
9 Dec, 1979: The WHO declares the Variola Major variant of Smallpox eradicated; the disease causes blotchy, pimples and postulates and was the deadliest disease in human history.-Demon in the Freezer by Preston.
Oct, 1977: The last naturally occurring case of Variola Minor, Ali Maalin, is contained in the Horn of Africa.-Demon in the Freezer by Preston.
1975: The last naturally occurring case of Variola Major is stopped in Bhola Island, Bangladesh.-Demon in the Freezer by Preston.
14 May, 1796: Dr. Edward Jenner infects a farm boy with cowpox; the boy develops a single pustule that rapidly heals. Dr. Jenner then infected the boy with smallpox and the virus had no effect; he called it a vaccine (Latin for cow).-Demon in the Freezer by Preston.